Code generation and efficiency
While the graph can be evaluated with eval_graph
, the ideal way to utilize a good graph is to produce efficient code. Currently code generation to Julia, Matlab, and C is supported.
Improving graph topology
The Compgraph
is a general framework, and sometimes the topology can be improved. This is especially important before code generation.
— Functioncompress_graph!(graph,cref=[];verbose=false)
Searches for nodes which can be removed or reorganized without changing the function it represents. Corresponding references in the cref
-vector are removed.
Missing docstring for compress_graph_output_cleaning!
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
— Functioncompress_graph_dangling!(graph,cref=[];verbose=false)
Removes dangling nodes in the graph. If a node is not used anywhere and it is not in the output, it can safely be removed.
— Functioncompress_graph_redundant!(
cref = [];
compress_lincomb = true,
verbose = false,
Removes from the graph redundant nodes, that is, nodes that repeat a computation that is already present in the graph. Nodes corresponding to a linear combination are removed only if the coefficients are the same and compress_lincomb
is set to true
— Functioncompress_graph_trivial!(graph,cref=[];verbose=false)
Removes from graph the following operations I\B -> B IB -> B BI -> B
— Functioncompress_graph_zero_coeff!(graph,cref=[];droptol=0;verbose=false)
Searches for linear combinations with zero coeff and removes those. The cref list deletes references to zero coeffs and updates all other crefs.
— Functioncompress_graph_passthrough!(graph,cref=[];verbose=false);
Identifies lincombs of length one with coeff equal to one. The node has no effect and is redirected appropriately.
Missing docstring for extract_sums
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
— Functionhas_trivial_node(graph) -> Bool
Checks whether the graph has trivial nodes, that is, multiplications by the identity or linear systems whose coefficient is the identity matrix.
— Functionhas_identity_lincomb(graph) -> Bool
Checks whether the graph has a node which is a linear combination of identity matrices.
Code generation
— Functiongen_code(
priohelp = Dict{Symbol,Float64}(),
lang = LangJulia(),
funname = "dummy",
precomputed_nodes = [:A],
Generates the code for the graph
in the language specified in lang
and writes it into the file fname
. The string funname
is the function name. Topological order of the nodes is comptued using get_topo_order
and priohelp
can be used to influence the order. The nodes listed in precomputed_nodes
are viewed as inputs, and code to compute these nodes are not computed.
Currently supported languages: LangC_MKL
, LangC_OpenBLAS
, LangJulia
, LangMatlab
— TypeLangJulia(overwrite_input=true,inline=true,alloc_function,only_overwrite=false)
Code generation in julia language, with optional overwriting of input. The parameter alloc_function
is a function of three parameters alloc_function(k)
where k
is the memory slot (default is alloc_function(k)=similar(A,T)
). The only_overwrite
specifies if f
should be created if the overwrite funtion f!
contains the actual code.
— TypeLangMatlab()
Code generation for the Matlab language.
— Type LangC_MKL(gen_main::Bool)
Code generation in C using the oneAPI MKL implementation of BLAS.
— Type LangC_OpenBLAS(gen_main::Bool)
Code generation in C using the OpenBLAS implementation of BLAS.